Exclusively Constructive Creative Philosophy Principles as a System of Revolutions in Philosophy



 © Ph. D. & Dr. Sc. Lev Gelimson


Fundamental principles of exclusively constructive creative philosophy build a fundamental system of revolutions in philosophy, in particular, the following subsystems.

1. Fundamental Principles of Exclusively Constructive Creative Philosophy as a Fundamental Subsystem of Revolutions in Philosophy

The fundamental subsystem of revolutions in philosophy includes the following fundamental principles of exclusively constructive creative philosophy:

1. Exceptional natural constructivism (with the complete absence of artificial destructiveness).

2. Useful free creativity (exclusively practically purposeful, verified, and efficient unlimitedly free creativity, intuition, and phantasy flight).

3. Scientific optimism and duty (each urgent problem can and must be solved adequately and efficiently enough).

4. Complication utilization (creating, considering, and efficiently utilizing only necessary and useful also contradictory objects and models, as well as difficulties, problems, and other complications).

5. Symbolic feasibility (at least symbolic existence of all the necessary and useful even contradictory objects and models).

2. Advanced Principles of Exclusively Constructive Creative Philosophy as an Advanced Subsystem of Revolutions in Philosophy

The advanced subsystem of revolutions in philosophy includes the following advanced principles of exclusively constructive creative philosophy.

1. Exclusively useful intuitive evidence and provability (reasonable fuzziness, intuitive ideas without axiomatic rigor if necessary and useful).

2. Unrestrictedly flexible constructivism (if necessary even creating new knowledge (concepts, approaches, methods, theories, doctrines, and even sciences) to adequately set, consider, and solve urgent problems).

3. Tolerable simplicity (choosing the best in the not evidently unacceptable simplest).

4. Perfect sensitivity, or conservation laws universality (no uncompensated change in a general object conserves its universal measures).

5. Exact discrimination of noncoinciding objects and models (possibly infinitely or overinfinitely large with infinitesimal or overinfinitesimal distinctions and differences).

3. Some Other Principles of Exclusively Constructive Creative Philosophy

Among other principles of exclusively constructive creative philosophy are the following:

1. Truth priority (primacy of practically verified purely scientific truths and criteria prior to commonly accepted dogmas, views, agreements, and authority, with all due respect to them).

2. Peaceful pluralism (with peaceful development of scientific and life diversity).

3. Useful creative inheritance (efficiently using, analyzing, estimating, and developing already available knowledge and information).

4. Useful constructive freedom (unrestrictedly free exclusively constructive and useful self-determination and activity, in particular, in knowledge and information research, creation, and development).

5. Fundamentality priority (primacy of conceptual and methodological fundamentals).

6. Knowledge efficiency (only useful quality (acceptability, adequacy, depth, accuracy, etc.) and amount (volume, completeness, etc.) of knowledge, information, data, as well as creation, analysis, synthesis, verification, testing, structuring, systematization, hierarchization, generalization, universalization, modeling, measurement, evaluation, estimation, utilization, improvement, and development of objects, models, knowledge, information, and data along with intelligent management and self-management of activity).

7. Mutual definability and generalizability (relating successive generalization of concepts in definitions with optional linear sequence in knowledge construction).

8. Useful unification of opposites only conditionally distinguished (such as real/ideal, specific/abstract, exact/inexact, definitively/possibly, pure/applied, theory/experiment/practice, nature/life/science, for example, the generally inaccurate includes the inaccurate as the limiting particular case with the zero error).

9. Partial laws sufficiency (if there are no known more general laws).

10. Focus on discoveries and inventions (dualistic unity and harmony of academic quality and originality, discovering phenomena of essence, inventive climbing, helpful knowledge bridges, creative multilingualism, scientific art, anti-envy, learnability, teachability, and terminology development).