Metrology Unimathematical Test Fundamental Metasciences System


© Ph. D. & Dr. Sc. Lev Gelimson

Academic Institute for Creating Fundamental Sciences (Munich, Germany)

Physical Journal

of the "Collegium" All World Academy of Sciences

Munich (Germany)

12 (2012), 11

Keywords: Metrology, megascience, revolution, unimetrology, megamathematics, overmathematics, unimathematical test fundamental metasciences system, knowledge, philosophy, strategy, tactic, analysis, synthesis, object, operation, relation, criterion, conclusion, evaluation, measurement, estimation, expression, modeling, processing, symmetry, invariance, bound, level, worst case, defect, mistake, error, reserve, reliability, risk, supplement, improvement, modernization, variation, modification, correction, transformation, generalization, replacement.

There are many separate scientific achievements of mankind but they often bring rather unsolvable problems than really improving himan life quality. One of the reasons is that the general level of earth science is clearly insufficient to adequately solve and even consider many urgent himan problems. To provide creating and developing applicable and, moreover, adequate methods, theories, and sciences, we need their testing via universal if possible, at least applicable and, moreover, adequate test metamethods, metatheories, and metasciences whose general level has to be high enough. Mathematics as universal quantitative scientific language naturally has to play here a key role.

But classical mathematics [1] with hardened systems of axioms, intentional search for contradictions and even their purposeful creation cannot (and does not want to) regard very many problems in science, engineering, and life. This generally holds when solving valuation, estimation, discrimination, control, and optimization problems as well as in particular by measuring very inhomogeneous objects and rapidly changeable processes. It is discovered [2] that classical fundamental mathematical theories, methods, and concepts [1] are insufficient for adequately solving and even considering many typical urgent problems.

Mega-overmathematics including overmathematics [2] based on its uninumbers, quantielements, quantisets, and uniquantities with quantioperations and quantirelations provides universally and adequately modeling, expressing, measuring, evaluating, and estimating general objects. This all creates the basis for many further megamathematics fundamental sciences systems developing, extending, and applying overmathematics. Among them are, in particular, science unimathematical test fundamental metasciences systems [3] which are universal.

Metrology unimathematical test fundamental metasciences system in mega-overmathematics, unimechanics, and unistrength [2] is one of such systems and can efficiently, universally and adequately strategically unimathematically test metrology. This system includes:

fundamental metascience of metrology test philosophy, strategy, and tactic including metrology test philosophy metatheory, metrology test strategy metatheory, and metrology test tactic metatheory;

fundamental metascience of metrology consideration including metrology fundamentals determination metatheory, metrology approaches determination metatheory, metrology methods determination metatheory, and metrology conclusions determination metatheory;

fundamental metascience of metrology analysis including metrology subscience analysis metatheory, metrology fundamentals analysis metatheory, metrology approaches analysis metatheory, metrology methods analysis metatheory, and metrology conclusions analysis metatheory;

fundamental metascience of metrology synthesis including metrology fundamentals synthesis metatheory, metrology approaches synthesis metatheory, metrology methods synthesis metatheory, and metrology conclusions synthesis metatheory;

fundamental metascience of metrology objects, operations, relations, and criteria including metrologyid mec object metatheory, metrology operation metatheory, metrology relation metatheory, and metrology criterion metatheory;

fundamental metascience of metrology evaluation, measurement, and estimation including metrology evaluation metatheory, metrology measurement metatheory, and metrology estimation metatheory;

fundamental metascience of metrology expression, modeling, and processing including metrology expression metatheory, metrology modeling metatheory, and metrology processing metatheory;

fundamental metascience of metrology symmetry and invariance including metrology symmetry metatheory and metrology invariance metatheory;

fundamental metascience of metrology bounds and levels including metrology bound metatheory and metrology level metatheory;

fundamental metascience of metrology directed test systems including metrology test direction metatheory and metrology test step metatheory;

fundamental metascience of metrology tolerably simplest limiting, critical, and worst cases analysis and synthesis including metrology tolerably simplest limiting cases analysis and synthesis metatheories, metrology tolerably simplest critical cases analysis and synthesis metatheories, metrology tolerably simplest worst cases analysis and synthesis metatheories, and metrologyid mec tolerably simplest limiting, critical, and worst cases counterexamples building metatheories;

fundamental metascience of metrology defects, mistakes, errors, reserves, reliability, and risk including metrology defect metatheory, metrology mistake metatheory, metrology error metatheory, metrology reserve metatheory, metrology reliability metatheory, and metrology risk metatheory;

fundamental metascience of metrology test result evaluation, measurement, estimation, and conclusion including metrology test result evaluation metatheory, metrology test result measurement metatheory, metrology test result estimation metatheory, and metrology test result conclusion metatheory;

fundamental metascience of metrology supplement, improvement, modernization, variation, modification, correction, transformation, generalization, and replacement including metrology supplement metatheory, metrology improvement metatheory, metrology modernization metatheory, metrology variation metatheory, metrology modification metatheory, metrology correction metatheory, metrology transformation metatheory, metrology generalization metatheory, and metrology replacement metatheory.

The metrology unimathematical test fundamental metasciences system in megamathematics [2] is universal and very efficient.


[1] Encyclopaedia of Mathematics / Managing editor M. Hazewinkel. Volumes 1 to 10. Kluwer Academic Publ., Dordrecht, 1988-1994.

[2] Lev Gelimson. Elastic Mathematics. General Strength Theory. The "Collegium" All World Academy of Sciences Publishers, Munich (Germany), 2004, 496 pp.

[3] Lev Gelimson. Science Unimathematical Test Fundamental Metasciences Systems. Mathematical Journal of the “Collegium” All World Academy of Sciences, Munich (Germany), 12 (2012), 1.